When is LipiFlow® indicated?

Under normal circumstances each blink provides a fresh film of tears and a clean refractive surface to the eye while washing away debris. Over time debris from our environment builds up on the eyelids, creating inflammation, which in turn leads to a compromised, unstable tear film. Ocular Surface Disease (OSD), also known as Dry Eye Syndrome, is due to an imbalance in the tear film. Inflammation on the ocular surface leads to symptoms of fluctuating vision between blinks, burning, foreign body sensation, excessive tearing, redness, and itching. Treatment for ocular surface disease depends on the cause and severity of symptoms and can include lid hygiene, artificial tears, medications, insertion of punctal plugs to delay tear draining, and at times more direct procedures. In many cases, treatment needs to be initiated prior to the development of symptoms.


Meibomian Gland Dysfunction is a condition where chronic lid inflammation leads to blocked meibomian glands, which are responsible for producing the outer protective lipid layer of the tear film. Under normal conditions each blink stimulates meibomian glands to secrete the lipid layer of tears. But as chronic inflammation develops and glands become blocked, these glands are no longer stimulated, leading to gland atrophy, or loss of glands, along with a loss of the protective layer of tears. Without this outer layer tears are exposed to the atmosphere and evaporate quickly, leading to an unstable tear film and symptoms of dry eye.


LipiFlow® is an in-office procedure using thermal pulsation and is indicated for the treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction to remove gland obstructions and reduce the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. Often indicated to relieve symptoms, LipiFlow® may be required prior to the development of symptoms when gland atrophy is noted, as seen when imaging the meibomian glands in our office.


For more on LipiFlow® and managing the signs and symptoms of ocular surface disease, call Williamsburg Eye Care at (757) 564-1907.

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